Publié le 6 juillet 2024 Mis à jour le 6 juillet 2024

Séminaire avec Antonie Alm, le 6 septembre à 10h

Research lab seminar 1: "Exploring AI Language Learning Mindsets: A Theoretical Framework and Inventory Development"

This presentation introduces the concept of AI language learning mindsets, drawing on foundational work in mindset theory and recent research on AI-assisted language learning (AILL). It proposes a theoretical framework that encompasses incremental, entity, and decremental mindsets in the context of AILL and presents the development of the AI Language Learning Mindset Inventory (AILLMI) to measure these constructs.

Author's abstract

In this presentation, I will introduce the concept of AI language learning mindsets, drawing on foundational work in mindset theory and recent research on AILL. Building on the work of Dweck (1999), Lou and Noels (2017), and Lou et al. (2017), I propose a theoretical framework that encompasses incremental, entity, and decremental mindsets in the context of AILL. I also consider the domain-specific nature of mindsets (Dweck et al., 1995; Mercer & Ryan, 2010) in shaping learners' engagement with AI technologies for language learning. To measure these constructs, I have developed the AI Language Learning Mindset Inventory (AILLMI), which aims to provide a comprehensive measure of learners' beliefs about the role of AI in their language learning process. While the inventory is currently undergoing validation using Rasch analysis, this presentation will focus on the theoretical foundations and development process of the AILLMI. This presentation lays the groundwork for future research on the relationships between AI language learning mindsets, motivation, and learning behaviour, as well as the design and implementation of AILL tools and platforms that support learner engagement and success.

About Antonie Alm

Le 06 septembre 2024
à 10h (heure de Paris)

Salle du Conseil (Pierre Combes)

l’IUT Paul Sabatier (site Ponsan)

115 E rt de Narbonne